Home » Drinking Games » 8 Fun Bachelor Party Games for Your Groom-To-Be

8 Fun Bachelor Party Games for Your Groom-To-Be

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Are you running short on bachelor party games to keep you and your crew going all night long?

You want your groom-to-be to have the evening of a lifetime before he walks down the aisle, and that puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders.

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to find ways to keep people’s spirits high in between bar-crawls and day-time activities.

If you’ve chosen a weekend bachelor party, then you’ll have even more hours to fill with fun and debauchery.

Fortunately, there are plenty of excellent bachelor party games that you can consider to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get your buddies laughing, drinking, and making some incredible memories.

Not only are the bachelor party activity ideas we’re going to cover below great fun, but they’re great ice breakers too.

After all, there’s no guarantee that all of your bachelor’s friends will already know each other.

Just as a disclaimer, many of the bachelor party games below do include alcohol of some kind. If you’re not drinking for your event, you can still play a handful of them without the booze. However, some simply won’t work.

With that in mind, let’s 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get started.

1. Drink-A-Palooza

DRINK-A-PALOOZA Board Game: Fun Drinking Games for Adults & Game Night Party Games | Adult Games Combo of Beer Pong + Flip Cup + Kings Cup Card Games + More!

Drink-A-Palooza is an exciting new board game that combines many common bachelor party games into a single package.

The chances are that many of your bachelor party attendees will have their specific strengths and weaknesses.

Some will excel at beer pong, while others are great at quarters, and so on.

Drink-a-Palooza gives everyone in your party a chance to shine and have a really good time.

It’s an all-in-one kit where you’ll 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get everything from AB开奖网官网安卓下载 to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法, Quarters, and more in the same set.

There’s even a board game included if you want to sit down and relax for a bit.

With games for 2-12 players, there’s something for everyone – even if you have a relatively large group to deal with.

2.     Shot Roulette

Bo-Toys Drinking Game Glass Roulette - Drinking Game Set (2 Balls and 16 Glasses) Casino Style Drinking Game

This is the kind of game that you’ll want to play if you’re trying to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get a bit of a buzz before you head out to the bar.

It’s particularly worth a look if you’re planning on dressing your groom up in something ridiculous before he starts drinking.

The more shots he’s had before he goes, the more likely it is that he’ll go along with your plans.

Shot Roulette is a quick and simple game which involves filling a roulette wheel with different types of alcohol.

You might fill one shot with beer, one with whiskey, and one with fireball.

Everyone in your team picks a number, and if the ball lands on your number, you drink whatever is in the corresponding glass.

3.     Beer Pong

@reinasierra via Twenty20

Beer pong is one of those bachelor party ideas that seem to fit naturally into any evening you might have planned. Not only does everyone seem to know how to play, but it’s incredibly easy to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get the game set up too.

You just need a few plastic cups, a couple of ping pong balls – and plenty of beer.

Some local bars and pubs will even allow you to play Beer pong at their tables if you ask politely and don’t make too much of a mess.

Or, you could find a cool custom beer pong table for the special occasion.

If you’ve never played beer pong before, all you need to do is split into two teams and try and bounce your ball into one of the other team’s glasses.

If you’re successful, they have to drink whatever is in that glass, and then remove it from play.

If you want to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get your groom drunk fast, then you can try a game of him versus the rest of the party.

However, don’t expect the night to last for too long after that.

4.     Drunk Jenga

What is Jenga
Photo Credit

This is a bachelor party that you can easily play without being drunk – if you want to. After all, everyone loves a game of Jenga.

Essentially, all you need to start playing is a version of the classic board game that you’ve modified to suit your bachelor party activity ideas.

Grab sharpie marker and write some rules on the blocks.

For instance, you can put “Don’t speak for the rest of the game” on one block, or “make someone else drink” on another.

The great thing about drunk Jenga is that you can be as creative as you like.

You can even add some truths and dares to the mix if you want.

Once your blocks are set up, you simply play the game as normal.

Just remember that whenever someone pulls out a block with a rule, they’ll be expected to abide by it.

If the tower collapses, the person responsible has to finish their drink.

5.     Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity, available on Amazon (affiliate link)

No matter how lovely you and your bachelor party friends are in your day-to-day lives, a bachelor party is often an excuse to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get as rowdy and rude as possible.

The ultimate game for being a “horrible person” has to be Cards Against Humanity – everyone’s favorite adult card game for a drunken night.

If you’ve never played before, it works like this:

Everyone in your group draws 10 white cards.

The person who recently went for a number 2 last is the first one to play as card Czar.

He will be responsible for deciding who wins the round.

The Czar asks a question based on a black card drawn from the deck, and the person who gives the most terrible and hilarious response is the winner.

You may not feel great about yourself when you’ve finished playing, but at least you’ll have had some fun.

6.     Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt Bachelor Party Game

A lot of the best bachelor party ideas start with a little bit of good old-fashioned creativity.

Scavenger hunts are fantastic because they become increasingly more challenging the drunker you and your friends get.

To begin, compile a list of the items that each of your bachelors needs to find when they’re hopping through the different bars on your list.

The person who gets the most things at the end of the night is the winner.

Generally, it’s a good idea to print out some t-shirts if you’re playing this game. It will make sure that people know you’re on a bachelor party – and that you’re not just a creep.

Some to-do-list ideas might include:

  • Convince a girl to let you wear her lipstick and take a picture of it
  • 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get the worst sounding drink in a bar
  • Find a bachelorette party and take a picture with them

The options are endless, just make sure that you pick challenges that you know your friends will do.

7.     Loaded Kings

Loaded Kings - The Drinking Card Game (Waterproof Playing Cards)

For this game, you’re going to need a deck of cards like this one.

Most Loaded King packs are waterproof, so you won’t have to worry about them getting damaged while you play.

You’ll also need a lot of booze too.

The rules with this game are similar to that of Drunken Jenga.

Everyone pours some of their drink into a glass in the center of the table; then you follow the instructions provided by the cards.

For instance:

  • Heaven: Everyone points to the sky – last to do so has to drink
  • 4th king drawn: Player has to drink whatever is in the middle glass
  • Mate: Choose a person to do a shot with
  • King: Pour your drink into the center drink

If you just have a regular deck of cads, no problem. Learn these rules for the classic drinking game of King’s Cup.

8.     Backyard Bowling

Finally, this is one of the best bachelor party games for evenings that happen to fall on a clear or sunny evening.

You’ll need relatively good weather otherwise most of your party-goers probably won’t have the best time. It’s very easy to find a backyard bowling set online, and all you need to do is set it up in your garden, crack open a few beers and enjoy the sunshine while chatting about what’s to come.

Unlike many of the other games on this list, this one is all about helping you and your pals to wind down in between drinking sessions.

If you need a break from all the madness of a bachelor party, then this is a great way to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get it. 

If you like the idea of outdoor games for you bachelor party, you might also want to check out:

There you have it!

Some incredible bachelor party ideas to 澳洲幸运10破解5码公式方法✪Get your Groom’s big night off to the right start.

Do you have any ideas that we haven’t covered?

Let us know in the comment section below.


About Bar Games 101

Bar Games 101 is a website devoted to helping you learn about the best games to play with your friends. We review the games, research the rules, and uncover helpful tips and strategies.

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